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How to rich like Warren Buffett. Discover now the Warren Buffet way

 Learning to get rich on the stock market from the Guru, Warren Buffet.

Warren Buffet Way, stock market, make money on stock market, rich on stock market, buy company shares
Warren Buffet Way. Image:
 There are many young people and employees who want to be rich and have billions of dollars of wealth for a prosperous retirement and enjoy life at a young age. Are you also included in this group? If yes, then you can learn from the master, Mr. Warren Buffet.

Finance business people, investors in the stock market and who will be involved in the field of investment shares must know the billionaire Warren Buffet, who is known as the most successful investor in history. He started his business in a very young age. Are you ready to learn?

In each of his appearances on television, magazines, newspapers, online media, social media up in, Warren Buffet often catapulted investment tips are sure to be a reference for investors around the world.

I want to also share tips Warren Buffett is more you can also see on the website, but if you are too busy, then you can read the summary as mentioned below:

1. It is much more important to buy good companies at reasonable prices than the high prices.
2. You do not need to be a genius to good investing. You do not need to be a scientist who knows about the ins and outs of investing. Investing is not a game that people who have high IQ can beat the low IQ. But to be able to invest, you just need to understand and know about the market, portfolio, and the company profile. 
Warren Buffet, make money on stock market, stock exchange, rich on stock market, financial tips, financial planner,
President Barack Obama gave a medal to Warren Buffet. Image:
3. Do not buy a stock just because other people hate it. When buying a stock, think seriously of these shares. See the company's portfolio and its market potential.
4. The best time to buy a company is when the company was in a troubled situation.
5. Do not be fooled by the huge profits. The line between investment and speculation does not differ much. However, the line is never bright and clear. You should consider carefully.
6. Remember to think long term. A good investor is thinking long term, while speculators are short-term investors. So, invest a minimum of at least 5 years, 10 years, or over 25 years.
7. Is forever or at any time is the right time to hold an investment product. When you have a good share of business investment with good management, then the best way is holding (the investment) forever.
8. Buy a business that can be run easily. Buy a stock or investment that is easy to administer, even by an idiot though. Sooner or later, an investment it will pay off.
9. Investors must be able to distinguish between excitement and expenses are to be borne when buying an investment. These two things are the enemy when investing. Therefore you have to remember it this way: try to be fearful when others are greedy, but you should be greedy only when others are fearful.
The Warren Buffet Way, financial planner book, stock market tips, rich on stock market
The Warren Buffet Way. Image:
10. Does not always have to move when the opportunity arises. The stock market is a game in certain circumstances. So, you do not have to move from a portfolio to another portfolio when stock prices fall. You better wait, or consult with your financial consultant. So when you decide to move (portfolio), is because you decided to look for the best profit.

We can rely on tips Warren Buffet who has been summarized above for your guidance as a beginner investor. Meanwhile you can also buy books on investments which contain financial advice from Warren Buffet and many books by other successful financial planners. Also read newspapers or magazines about finances or about the stock.

News about financial markets and stock exchanges can also see on the television, so you always get the financial news accurately and quickly. 

If you have a laptop or tablet, even a smartphone, you can also download the application on the financial business and the stock market, so you always get the update. Please to take advantage of the seminars or courses in finance and the stock so that you are more skilled and able to take decisions more quickly, but always calm and not on speculation. If you are easy and quick to learn, then you will be financially prudent.



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